Outdated websites since 30.12.2021
Metacognitive Training for Psychosis (MCT) is now recommended in the guidelines for the treatment of psychosis of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. The MCT manual can be obtained free of charge via www.uke.de/mct. The manual provides a good introduction to the training. However, colleagues with less clinical experience may wish for more guidance. The ten learning units of our online course (registration via https://ww3.unipark.de/uc/online-mct/) include text, video simulations with group participants, and interactive exercises and show you how to facilitate group MCT and handle difficult therapeutic situations. The self-study format lets you decide when and at what pace to complete the training. You will not be required to install any software on your computer.
Although this e-learning focuses on MCT for Psychosis, the course is also beneficial for therapists interested in other variants of MCT (e.g. MCT for depression, borderline personality disorders), as many of the topics are relevant for all MCTs.
After the completion of the test, you will receive an official certificate that credits your donation and recognizes you as an official MCT trainer.
Certification and Donation
When you have completed the training, you will have the opportunity to take a test to check your knowledge. If you pass the test, you will then receive a certificate of successful completion, which also acknowledges the donation and recognizes you as an official MCT trainer.
We kindly request a donation of 100€/$100 (50€/$50 for psychologists in training) for the online training (please send us an e-mail if you are interested but cannot afford this amount, we will find a solution: moritz@uke.de, Steffen Moritz). Please click on the following link to make your donation: Donate*. You will receive an official receipt for your donation.
Our aim
The aim of the online training is to prepare you to facilitate group MCT.
After completing the training, you will
- be familiar with the empirical findings on the effectiveness of group MCT,
- know the content and background of group MCT,
- be familiar with typical cognitive biases/distortions in psychosis and know how to address them in group MCT,
- be familiar with the various types of exercises used in group MCT,
- know how to facilitate group MCT,
- know various strategies for dealing with comorbid problems (e.g., depression, low self-esteem), and
- know how to deal with difficult therapeutic situations.
The online training consists of ten learning units that offer many practical tips. The information is presented using instructional videos, interactive exercises, and helpful figures. Here are some examples from the learning units that address jumping to conclusions:

Important note: This training is not a replacement for the manual. It can, however, help you to get started as an MCT facilitator.
To register, simply click on this link: Registration. We will process your request within 10 days (usually less). Please check your spam folder regularly as automatically generated emails are rejected by some email services. You will receive full access to the training for three months, after which your account will be closed. If you need more time, please contact us.
Technical requirements
Please use Mozilla Firefox when using the e-learning as other browsers may cause problems with some features.
Main developers of the MCT e-training
Mira Berthold, M.Sc.
Prof. Dr. Steffen Moritz, Dipl.-Psych.
Francesca Bohn, Dipl.-Psych.
Dr. Eva Krieger, M.Sc.
Arne Sibilis
Jannik Blömer
Stefanie Hahn
Kathy McKay
Dr. Ruth Veckenstedt, Dipl.-Psych.
Birgit Hottenrott, Dipl.-Psych.
Carsten Baasch
Hummelwerk Film Production
* Please note that the transaction will be made through a German bank. Germany, like most European countries, uses a comma as a decimal separator, while the US and other countries use a point – e.g., 100,00 € is equivalent to 100 €; for more information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator